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The goal is to offer a package that can produce bias-corrected performance measures for binary outcomes for a range of model development approaches available in R (similar to rms::validate). Also contains functions for assessing prediction stability as described here

To install development version:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("stephenrho/pminternal", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Please send feedback to or open an issue.


In the example below we use bootstrapping to correct performance measures for a glm via calculation of ‘optimism’ (see vignette("pminternal") and vignette("validate-examples") for more examples):


# make some data
n <- 800
p <- 10

X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
LP <- -1 + apply(X[, 1:5], 1, sum) # first 5 variables predict outcome
y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(LP))

dat <- data.frame(y, X)

# fit a model
mod <- glm(y ~ ., data = dat, family = "binomial")

# calculate bootstrap optimism corrected performance measures
(val <- validate(fit = mod, method = "boot_optimism", B = 100))
#> It is recommended that B >= 200 for bootstrap validation
#>                C   Brier Intercept Slope    Eavg     E50     E90    Emax
#> Apparent  0.8567  0.1423     0.000 1.000  0.0045  0.0039  0.0081  0.0109
#> Optimism  0.0093 -0.0054     0.017 0.053 -0.0048 -0.0050 -0.0107 -0.0057
#> Corrected 0.8474  0.1477    -0.017 0.947  0.0093  0.0089  0.0187  0.0165
#>               ECI
#> Apparent   0.0027
#> Optimism  -0.0038
#> Corrected  0.0065

The other available methods for calculating bias corrected performance are the simple bootstrap (boot_simple), 0.632 bootstrap optimism (.632), optimism via cross-validation (cv_optimism), and regular cross-validation (cv_average). Please see ?pminternal::validate and the references therein. Bias corrected calibration curves can also be produced (see cal_plot).

For models that cannot be supported via fit, users are able to specify their own model (model_fun) and prediction (pred_fun) functions as shown below. Note that when specifying user-defined model and prediction functions the data and outcome must also be provided. It is crucial that model_fun implements the entire model development procedure (variable selection, hyperparameter tuning, etc). For more examples, see vignette("pminternal") and vignette("validate-examples").

# fit a glm with lasso penalty
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-7

lasso_fun <- function(data, ...){
  y <- data$y
  x <- as.matrix(data[, which(colnames(data) != "y")])
  cv <- cv.glmnet(x=x, y=y, alpha=1, nfolds = 10, family="binomial")
  lambda <- cv$lambda.min
  glmnet(x=x, y=y, alpha = 1, lambda = lambda, family="binomial")

lasso_predict <- function(model, data, ...){
  y <- data$y
  x <- as.matrix(data[, which(colnames(data) != "y")])
  predict(model, newx = x, type = "response")[,1]

(val <- validate(data = dat, outcome = "y", 
                 model_fun = lasso_fun, pred_fun = lasso_predict, 
                 method = "boot_optimism", B = 100))
#> It is recommended that B >= 200 for bootstrap validation
#>                C   Brier Intercept Slope   Eavg    E50    E90  Emax   ECI
#> Apparent  0.8558  0.1427     0.073  1.14 0.0184 0.0178 0.0366 0.040 0.044
#> Optimism  0.0062 -0.0037     0.015  0.04 0.0025 0.0033 0.0039 0.014 0.016
#> Corrected 0.8496  0.1463     0.057  1.10 0.0159 0.0144 0.0326 0.026 0.028

The output of validate (with method = "boot_*") can be used to produce plots for assessing the stability of model predictions (across models developed on bootstrap resamples).

A prediction (in)stability plot shows predictions from the B (in this case 100) bootstrap models applied to the development data.

prediction_stability(val, smooth_bounds = TRUE)

A MAPE plot shows the mean absolute prediction error, which is the difference between the predicted risk from the development model and each of the B bootstrap models.

A calibration (in)stability plot depict the original calibration curve along with B calibration curves from the bootstrap models applied to the original data (y).

The classification instability index (CII) is the proportion of individuals that change predicted class (present/absent, 1/0) when predicted risk is compared to some threshold. For example, a patient predicted to be in class 1 would receive a CII of 0.3 if 30% of the bootstrap models led to a predicted class of 0.

classification_stability(val, threshold = .4)

Decision curves implied by the original and bootstrap models can also be plotted.