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pmcalibration 0.2.0

Several minor changes as well as some bigger changes to the default plotting function and to the functions used for assessing ‘weak’ calibration (logistic_cal)

  • Fixed bug when smooth = "none"
  • Predictions (p) that are <= 0 or >= 1 are now excluded and produce a warning.
  • pmcalibration output now includes p_c slot containing the value of the calibration curve for each observation.
  • Changed pmcalibration default smooth to "gam" instead of "none".
  • Improved plot function to show risk distribution (for binary outcomes);
  • Added likelihood ratio tests to logistic_cal functions that test overall ‘weak’ calibration.
  • Added plot argument to pmcalibration so it produces a plot by default (without having to make separate call);
  • Moved vignette material to readme (internal validation material has been developed into pminternal package, hopefully on cran soon).
  • get_cc renamed get_curve.

pmcalibration 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-06

  • Initial CRAN submission.